So official juice cleanse is over!! Woo hoo! I actually had juice got breakfast and broke the cleanse with an apple and some homemade granola from my sweet neighbor! I had a green salad for lunch and snacked on more granola.. Three glasses of my green juice today and now[…]
Day is almost over and I got this! I even made it to class tonight but had to sit out a few postures. I actually feel really good right now. The bloated feeling is totally gone. I have to admit I am excited to eat food tomorrow but plan to[…]
So I see the light at the end of the tunnel with my juice cleanse!! I almost broke down today around 2 pm but I pushed through and so glad I did. I had 4 of my green juices plus Amazing Grass in 3 of them. Then after yoga I[…]
Ok. I almost made it through day one of the cleanse and my first Bikram Yoga class of the 60 day challenge. I feel pretty good actually… Around 4 pm I felt lightheaded and hungry but it passed. I had about 5 glasses of my green juice ( kale, cucumber,[…]
I am in the home stretch now on this 21 day cleanse. I can’t believe how fast it has gone and continues to go. I am starting to feel the energy surges! This is a great thing since I have been kind of sluggish for a while. I figured I[…]
Well I am nearing the end of Day 10 on this 21 day cleanse and I have to say it has been really easy. I mean easy in that I haven’t been craving my usual sweets and breads and cheese and coffee. I am excited to say that it has[…]
I have not been as good at posting daily for this challenge like the Bikram Yoga 60 day Challenge. I was in the middle of typing a post last night at about midnight when my toddler daughter came stumbling downstairs looking for me. I had to put the post on[…]
Well it is almost bedtime and I had a very successful first day of the cleanse and I was not hungry at all! I had a smoothie for breakfast consisting of frozen blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, rawpower protein powder, coconut water, chia seeds, spiralina and a squirt of agave. It[…]
Well today is day 3 of the precleanse. The book suggested I do a precleanse for 3-5 days before doing the actual 21 day cleanse. This is to help ease your body into the cleanse instead of shocking the hell out of it. I meant to blog on day 1[…]
Well I took a bit of a break there from blogging but I am now inspired to write once again. I have found another challenge for me to complete. This time is it more about what I am putting in my body. Bikram Yoga is still a major part of[…]