Happy 2012!! 1st day of the Cleanse

Well it is almost bedtime and I had a very successful first day of the cleanse and I was not hungry at all! I had a smoothie for breakfast consisting of frozen blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, rawpower protein powder, coconut water, chia seeds, spiralina and a squirt of agave. It was delicious. I had a green salad for lunch with olive oil and avocado and pumpkin seeds. For dinner I had the same smoothie but I added a spoon of almond butter. I didn’t think about it at the time but I will have to take pictures of my meals and post with the blog.

Energy wise I felt good so no more coffee withdrawals and sugar withdrawals thank goodness! I also took all my supplements and every went smoothly…. my stomach though since Yoga at 4pm has been upset. I am figuring it is getting everything stirred up to get all the toxins out of my body!

The Bikram Yoga class at 4pm was so hard but good. I sweat so much today and I felt really spent after class. I am hoping I will sleep really well tonight. I am planning to drink smooth move tea here in a bit and then take a detox bath before bed. One day down 20 more to go!


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