Day 49 of Challenge (60/60), Class # 51 ~ TGIF!!! and a Fannie Class too!

I am so happy the weekend is here! I slept really well last night and felt pretty good today. I had a good day at work but I found myself racing to class tonight a little later than usual. When I got to the studio I was happily surprised to see Fannie was teaching! I don’t get to take her classes often and I don’t think she teaches as often but she is very skilled and has superwoman laser eyes in class to help you get better. No cheating in class cause she is gonna see you and push you to do your best!

Class was packed tonight which I wasn’t sure how busy it would be. Some Fridays are dead and others are insanely busy. Tonight was the insanely busy kind of Friday. With all the extra bodies in the room it was definitely a scorcher. I was happy to see many of my yogi friends in class which makes it so much easier to push through for some reason.

I brought a coconut water into the room tonight for the end of class and I am glad I did that. I also chugged one before class to help me through and I definitely think it helped me through the class. My body felt ok but definitely achy and the joints or connective tissues are hurting… it’s deeper than the muscle. I know I need to get myself to a masseuse but I am so committed to the yoga that time hasn’t allowed for it. I am thinking maybe once the challenge is over I am definitely going to treat myself to a nice massage.

Class seemed to go really slowly tonight for some reason until the end of the spine strengthening series. Then it seemed to fly by so fast. I think I just gave up trying to think too much and started to only listen to what Fanny was telling us to do.  I was relieved when class was over and just accepting of my body and it’s difficulties now. I am excited to see how it will be like when the challenge is over and I am back to my regular practice. Fannie told me on my way out that I would definitely see the progression from the challenge…YESSS! I am excited for that!

The advanced class was moved to Sunday so I am excited to just take one class tomorrow and have the day with my little ones. I think they think I live at the Yoga studio… I know one day they will get it and hopefully they will be right next to me in class. Happy Friday!

Namaste Peeps!

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