Day 48 of Challenge (60/60), Class # 50! So close but so far away!

Well the end is coming and I can taste it, but it’s still is so far away. Today’s class was #50 and it feels good to be in the home stretch. Having a day off yesterday definitely made me ready to be back in the hot room. Not to mention the crappy weather out today… cold, rainy… yuck! I had a long day at work and my shoulders were tight from all the driving lately. I felt a little out of it today after being away for a night. I got back into my food routine with breakfast and supplements and made sure to drink coconut water before class tonight for that extra boost.

I took the 5pm at the West End Studio and saw Natalie was teaching..Yay! Also Pavida came to take class with her hubby Ratapol. He was right in my rear view and she was behind him. Also Katie (Katharine) was right next to me in class and Morgan was there too tonight. Great energy in the room tonight. Apparently everyone calls Katharine, Katie, so I am going to follow suit now. Also I was misspelling her name on this blog before, so sorry about that Katie. She is definitely a yogini because most people, if you get their name wrong freak out on you. Not Katie, she’s just chill about it… very cool and something I could take a lesson on.

There was a new guy in class tonight, Bob. Apparently a lot of new people lately because of a Living Social coupon deal going on through the 25th of Nov. He seemed really prepared for class, getting there early and bringing all the right gear but I felt bad for him. Halfway through class he kept sitting up and looking around the room trying to catch someone’s eye gaze it seemed. I think Natalie was avoiding his eye gaze, so he couldn’t flee the room. He tried once to leave but Natalie was super quick and grabbed his water bottle and told him, “I will get you some water.” Our yoga teachers at Bikram Yoga Richmond are stealth people, you can’t just leave like that they see everything kind of like Santa Claus. I know I should have no idea what this guy was doing because I should have been totally focused on ME, but I couldn’t help but catch a glance here and there. I am happy to say he made it through without leaving and did pretty well if you ask me. It’s tough that first class. I think it’s harder if you are someone in shape and used to doing other sports. I think you feel like it should be no problem and when you see how different the workout and what a mind, body, spirit workout it is… freaking out tends to happen.

I am back in the mind game with the yoga now and not hating it like the last few classes. My body now still is mad and achy and seems to be really stiff. I am struggling with poses that I usually have no problem with. Katie and I were talking about it after class about how far you push your body and then there is no time to recover. Despite the stiffness I managed to have a good class and get through without sitting out. That coconut water I tell you is magic! I did have some equilibrium issues and fell out of a lot of postures tonight.

I felt bad my mat was misbehaving tonight and for some reason kept shifting to the left and I thought at one point I might have been close to hitting Ratapol. He assured me after class that I was not that close and all was good. He is just like Sam, all good and standing still and not fidgeting. A great example of a yogi. Pavida told me he has to be extra good because she is a teacher and he has to set a good example. It’s good to practice next to someone like that. It makes you aware of all the unnecessary fidgeting you do.

I officially am mad frustrated at the Rabbit pose:

Rabbit Pose

Rabbit Pose


I can’t for the life of me get my lower back to curve and get my head to touch my knees. I know the teacher says the poses you struggle with the most or hate the most are the ones you need the most. Well I apparently NEED some Rabbit in my life. You would think with the name like that, the pose would be easy and cute…. hell no it isn’t and also while you are in this pose you feel like someone has put a bag over your head and that you are suffocating to death. The teacher is saying to you,“Breath normally and suck your stomach in.” and I am thinking… HOW? I can barely get a breath let alone breathe normally AND suck my stomach in. This one is going to be a serious work in progress. I will report back if I can get my lower back to cooperate with the rest of my body.

I felt so happy at the end of class knowing I had just hit 50 classes! Also I stayed after to try and work on a couple advanced postures but I still suck at them. I had a conversation with Katie about doing headstands and my fears about them. She gave me some suggestions and hopefully I can work on them. I am a chicken when it comes to the headstand/handstand stuff not sure why, but there is this innate fear there. I know I need to face it and conquer and I am certain I will in good time.

Well I am going to retire to my box of delicious cupcakes from The Cupcake Shoppe in Raleigh, NC. If you ever get down there make sure you stop and get some cupcakes they are ridiculous and just so worth the gobs of calories!

Cupcake Shoppe sticker on box... so cute!

Namaste Peeps!

which one to eat tonight?

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