Day 46 of Challenge (60/60), Class #49 – Am I breaking down?

I took a lunchtime class today because I am headed out of town after work this evening with my little man to have a quick getaway to NC to get my braces checked on. I am hoping to have the thumbs up that they will be removed soon. My body is still hurting bad and after taking the double Monday night I was just feeling pain. I forced myself to go so that I wouldn’t have to make up another class the last week of the challenge.

When I got to the studio Jessica was teaching and gave me some words of encouragement about the challenge. She said I am doing so much to my body right now. I agree with her and I am glad I did some extra doubles so I will have a few days off for Thanksgiving and also I will be taking tomorrow off too. My body definitely needs it. I definitely think the way to go with the challenge is to push your body to do doubles and then take days off here and there so you can rest and rejuvenate. I think part of the challenge is to really push yourself physically to the edge so that your mind is also broken down and in a way reborn. I often think I die and reborn in classes. I guess it all makes sense.

I went into class saying to myself take it easy on yourself and it will be ok. I am so glad I followed through and went to class. It ended up being a great class and I had a new girl in my rear view and wanted to be a good example for her. It really helped me in class and pushed me through. Lisa F. and Edibell were also in class and provided great vibes in the room. Jessica gave me a tip on the Cobra pose and I hope I can work on that for Thursday’s class. It’s funny how you see the pose being demonstrated or you hear the directions but yet your body won’t go in the right direction for some reason. It always makes me chuckle when my body won’t cooperate with my brain.

I worked on some of the advanced postures before and after class and I am so awkward right now. I am looking forward to my millimeter of progress each week and maybe one day look like someone who knows what they are doing… that is my goal.  I have to say by the end of class I felt renewed and so much better and not as achy so it worked. The yoga worked today!! I am looking forward to my night away and will report back after class #50!!

Namaste Peeps!

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