Day 40 of Challenge (60/60), Class #42 ~ Bikram Yoga in C’Ville

BIkram Yoga in C'Ville

Well I made it through this insane day! I left my house about 6:30am to get to Charlottesville for work meetings. I packed my whole life it seemed since I would be there the whole day. I made sure to pack all my yoga gear, makeup, and hair stuff to put myself back together after taking class mid-day there. I also had to pack all my work stuff: computer, materials…etc. Also I packed snacks and coconut water in a cooler (warm coconut water is just gross to me). I plotted out the night before where I would park for yoga because they are located in this downtown area where parking can be tricky. The studio validated parking at a close by garage but it was only for 2 hours.

My morning at work went smoothly and I was happy to be right on schedule. I made sure to allow plenty of time to get to the studio and change. I got there about 11:30ish for a noon class. When I walked in a cute little dog greeted me. He was a cute little guy and I forgot to get his name but I think it was Jack. (if you are from the studio and I got it wrong… sorry, my bad).

Bikram Yoga of Charlottesville Mascot

The Studio itself was very nice and had a great boutique area. They also sell Lululemon there which I thought was cool for people that practice. Sara(spelling?) was my teacher for the day and she was really laid back and soft spoken. I paid my $15 for a drop in class and I went to set up. It was a really small class only about 12 of us in there and just women today. I can’t remember the last time I took class and it was just all women.

Lobby of C'ville studio with the boutique on left hand side

Class was the same but different is all I can say. Sara was a very relaxed and kind of a quiet teacher. She was very calming and I had a good class. The heat wasn’t crazy hot – actually it was almost cool after the classes I have had in Richmond lately. I wasn’t complaining that is for sure. I figured I would be able to put myself back together a little bit easier without looking like a stroke victim. One thing I missed of course is the cold lavender towel that we get after our classes in Richmond. I swear we are spoiled… personally I think we deserve it – we work hard damn it!

While I was getting changed back into my normal real life clothes after class I overheard someone talking to the teacher about hoping her 30 day challenge would change her. She figured it would. She also mentioned she had to start over because she got sick and had to miss a few days. The teacher said that is what happened to her at Teacher Training. She was wanting that same feeling again so she does more yoga… I guess that should be a saying… got a problem, do yoga!

I was very quiet today kind of like a fly on the wall. I wanted to just observe and take class as an outsider today. It made for an interesting experience and I am glad I followed through and went to class. Plus now I finished class #42 and I am cruising along. I can’t believe I am coming toward the end of this 60/60.

After class I went to a local coffee shop called Arch’s to get all my paperwork in order before my dinner. I was working and this guy struck up a conversation and some how we got on the Bikram Yoga topic… I think he is going to go now because I was telling him how it just changed my life. Funny how Bikram Yoga is something I naturally talk about, think about, and gravitate toward.

On my drive home late night I had a realization that I am not reacting anymore to things I used to react to. I mean I am just naturally taking a breathe and not reacting where I used to absolutely FREAK out about things. Things like family drama or meddling, work drama, friend drama… you know the typical things that make us type A people lose their brains over. The fact that I don’t have to talk myself down anymore is a HUGE change and I am crediting it to the Challenge.

I am glad I went to a yoga today and made it happen despite my crazy work schedule. It is really true that if you commit to something the how reveals itself (Anthony Robbins said a version of that).

Namaste Peeps!


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