Day 38 of Challenge (60/60), Class #40 ~ Lordy, Lordy Made it to 40!!

After the insane weekend of yogaing with the Champions I was totally pumped to get back to the studio and work my tail off. My body unfortunately did not feel the same way! I was totally sore from the weekend. I think the Advanced Class took me over the edge. I knew leaving class Sunday this was going to be the case because I basically was sore right after class. I made sure to get enough sleep Sunday night and rehydrate really well after all the cramping I had.

I doped up on all my supplements: Chia, e3live, Body Balance, Green Machine Juice… It always makes things better with me physically and mentally when I take all these every morning. I am curious if I am the only one with a crazy supplement schedule…

I went to the 5pm class and was excited to see Natalie teaching at the studio. When I signed in I told her I was sore and she said she was too… she was actually doing some crazy back bending and pretzel poses… me… well I was watching a lot of it and getting sore from watching it all. I felt like I was in Cirque de Soleil – Bikram Yoga Richmond version.

I did feel inspired to push harder in class through the laziness and apathy that overcomes me in class sometimes. I mean if Joseph can overcome Rheumatoid Arthritis and a heart attack at 14 years old. What is my excuse right?

I was happy to be in class with my yoga buddies – everyone always provides such great energy and inspiration. Just knowing you are in a room with everyone trying to achieve the same goal of inner peace, health, strength and flexibility.

By the time I got into class I felt energized and the heat took a lot of the soreness away and I was able to have a strong class. Thank goodness Natalie did not smoke us out and I was able to focus getting deeper into my poses tonight, versus roasting and thinking I am dying, I am dying, I am dying. When it gets CRAZY hot, I find my mind sometimes hard to shut up and I get distracted. That is something I am definitely working on and the reason why we have the heat, right?

Well I have finally made it to 40 classes!! I can see the end of the 60/60 now but there is still 20 to go peeps. I know I can do it and I will do it. There is something definitely shifting in me… I can’t put my finger on it yet but when I can put it into words you will be the first to know.

Namaste Peeps!

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