Insanity Challenge – Day 50 – Fit Test #3
I am letting you know I have missed a couple days this week so I took the fit test today instead of Monday as scheduled. I was a little scared at how I would do since I have been eating no so healthy over the last week and slacked off a couple days with the working out. The video describes how I was still able to see massive changes and improvement in my overall fitness based on the fit test. I did not do the measurements and weight though.
Progress is something that sometimes you can’t see or feel happening until you actually try to measure it. It’s like anything else in life. It’s the accumulation of consistent actions that makes things happen. I say this because so people want to give up on things and just forget things when they make one mistake or they “fall off the wagon” the point is if you keep going and push through that it all ends up pointing toward progress.