I’m Back for a different Kind of Challenge – 21 Day Cleanse

Well I took a bit of a break there from blogging but I am now inspired to write once again. I have found another challenge for me to complete. This time is it more about what I am putting in my body. Bikram Yoga is still a major part of this cleansing of course but with all the holiday eating and snacking… let’s just say I have been pretty bad and really feeling the yucky after the holiday eating bloat.

I have done the Master Cleanse twice a few years back after I had both my babies and it worked beautifully. It is a very extreme cleanse though using  just lemons, water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. This time I mentioned it on Facebook and found a few people write back about Dr. Alejandro Junger’s book Clean. Ultimately after one of my fellow yogi friends, Sam, lent me his copy I have decided this is the cleanse for me. You can check out what this cleanse is about on his website www.cleanprogram.com


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