Day 45 of Challenge (60/60), Classes # 47 & # 48 ~ Double Time
OK I skipped Sunday (Day 44) for several reasons:
1. to let my sweet Hubby sleep in
2. spend a beautiful Sunday with my babies
3. clean
4. visit with an old friend from out of town
5. let my body rest (I was really achy from the double on Sat, especially the advanced class).
I made the decision to just do a double tonight the 5pm and 7pm. I have never done a back to back class during the week especially after working the whole day. I made sure to prepare all my gear last night and also packed up some snacks and coconut water for before and after class.
I was feeling pretty good all day but with the strange nice weather we had today my allergies were going crazy and making it hard for me to breathe. One thing if I could change from today would be to eat lunch. I just had snacks in the car and that’s it – not a wise decision when doing a double at the end of the day. I think I was running on fumes.
Natalie was teaching both the 5pm and 7pm tonight so I knew it would be a fun class and hopefully not scorching hot. Katherine and Sabrina were both doing doubles too so thank God for their energy. It really helps to have buddies in class doing the same thing . I had a tough time in both classes tonight. It was pretty hot tonight for me but I knew I had to get through both classes and just kept my mind as strong as I could.
In between classes I managed to chug down a coconut water and eat a banana – that brought me back to life temporarily. I was all dizzy in the second class and had to sit out a couple postures here and there but managed to get a second wind during the floor series. All in all a good two classes considering the circumstances. I do feel like I am regressing a little bit with all the yogaing… it’s like my muscles and body are rebelling against me. I am hoping it’s just temporary. I am going out of town tomorrow night and will be missing class on Wednesday. Hopefully by Thursday I will be renewed and ready to kick butt. No expectations though of course!
One little cool thing that happened… I had a sty this morning on my eyelid that was really hurting. After the two classes tonight it seems to be a little better and not as painful… almost going away it seems. Maybe it was all the sweat? I have major yoga brain tonight which explains the shorter post than usual. Also I am eating dinner at 10:30pm at night so I am all out of whack. That is the downside to taking the two classes so late. One positive thing I am thinking I will be sleeping really well tonight! Ahhh!! That will be totally worth it!
Namaste Peeps!