Day 30 of the Challenge (60/60), Classes #30 & #31 ~ Double Time with Garland

When I got up this morning, I was so relieved I didn’t partake in the drinking part of the Halloween Party. I knew I needed to do a double an get one class ahead especially with Thanksgiving coming. I know I will be traveling then and most likely will need to make up at least three classes. That is definitely what makes this thing a challenge too… coordinating during the holiday season how you are going to get your yoga in.

I knew from the party last night Garland was teaching the 12pm and 2pm classes today so I was mentally preparing myself for a beatdown super hard challenging classes. She is one of the owners of the studio and is very sweet and angelic but super tough and pushes you in class. This is a good thing by the way… I mean I swear she sees things in your postures that you don’t even realize you do. The corrections really help but boy oh boy it feels like you are in hold for an eternity.

When I got to the studio it was kind of quiet but in a nice way. Katherine was there taking class and I was up at the right front corner so I was able to really focus today in class. I really wanted to have some good classes today so I made sure to take all my supplements, hydrate, eat well for breakfast and take my Nasonex. I ended up having a strong 12pm class but I was feeling really sore and achy. I was so happy to have a strong first class knowing I was doing a double.

The 2pm class was so much busier and all the usual Challenge suspects were in class and also some Halloween people from the night before. Speaking of Halloween, Garland mentioned that if we dress up to a Halloween class tomorrow we get an extra sticker. I am definitely going to dress up but still plan on doing my full 60 days… still it’s fun to get a sticker for it.

It was a tougher second class for me but I got through it and I was so happy to have done the double with Garland. That in itself is an achievement… Lisa T. noted that and told me congrats at the end of the 2pm class. We were in postures for longer than usual so my muscles were giving out and doing a lot of shaking today… I know this is good and where you grow strength, but at the time I was falling apart. One thing that made me laugh today was during the spine twist, the last posture, Garland mentioned she read in Bikram’s book this one helps to remove all flatulence. That just cracked me up and also made me think I hope it doesn’t do that to me right at this moment. I did have a bloated feeling during both classes so I relieved to not have embarrassed myself today.

Well I am now officially more than half way through this beastly Challenge. It is a great feeling to have come this far. I read on a shirt recently “It’s not Sweat, It’s Liquid Awesome” I think I may have to buy that shirt because I have a whole lot of liquid awesome.

Namaste Peeps!

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