Day 22 of Challenge (60/60), Classes #23 and #24 ~ Epsom Salt Bath ASAP

So happy today is Saturday after a long crazy week. I got to sleep in and get some good rest and enjoy a quiet morning (as quiet  as it can get  with a 3 and 5 year old).  I made sure to have a good solid breakfast and drink plenty of water since I was doing a double class today. One hard thing to keep up with is your chores when you are doing the challenge. Luckily my hubby is doing a lot of them and the laundry always gets done because I need my yoga clothes and towels for class.  Priorities people!

I saw on Facebook that Natalie was back in town and teaching the 12pm and 2pm so I was so happy to know she would be doing both classes today. I was excited to hear about her experiences at the Backbending Seminar with Esak Garcia (Champion from 2005) and her visit to Teacher Training. She had some amazing pictures up on her wall and it was so inspiring to see them.

The weekends at the studio are always fun and exciting because there are back to back classes and there is so much energy with people coming and going. Also you get to see people that you don’t see during the week due to schedules. I saw both of Natalie’s parents in the 12pm class and I just think that is the cutest thing that the whole family practices this yoga.  Kara and Edibell were both my rearviews in the 12pm and their energy really pulled me through. I think sometimes when you are doing two classes in a row you get caught up worrying about what you are going to feel like in the next class.

Natalie said at the beginning of class that Esak told everyone to just have no expectations of the class. To just let the class unfold and allow yourself to experience whatever comes to you during the class. This was the perfect thing to say especially knowing I was doing two classes today. I told myself just let what happens happen today in class. I put no pressure on myself and that was the best thing I could do today.

Natalie also gave us a great Bikram quote today in class “You’re never too old, never too bad, never too late and never too sick to start from scratch once again.”  This is such a great quote for all things in life.  Natalie went to the Teacher Training to take classes and she said in Bikram’s class people were being carried out and everyone was falling apart. She said it was like WWII. That was a reminder to myself that our classes at Bikram Yoga of Richmond are not that intense. She also saw Amy and Kim at training and they are doing great and now half way through the training. I am excited to have them both as teachers when they return.

After the 12pm class, I rushed out to eat a banana and shower and change clothes before the 2pm class. There were so many great yoga friends that came to the 2pm but no one I really knew behind me today in class.  The poor girl behind me had to sit out a lot of the class. She said she was dizzy and I felt really bad for her. I am impressed that she didn’t leave the room. I think it’s hard to just sit in the room and not do postures. It almost feels like time is slower when you are not doing the poses. That’s probably why I just push through the poses even if I feel like I am dying because it’s easier than sitting out sometimes. At the end of class I totally zoned out and forgot there were no cold towels. Natalie forgot and Chris mentioned it to her on his way out. The rest of us still in the hot room heard her say “Oh, Sh**t!” We all giggled in the room and it really made for some good laughter.

I ended up having two strong classes today even though my hips and muscles are really starting the feel the effects of the 60/60. I have been pushing myself so hard because I really want to progress and see some changes during this challenge. After the 2pm class Kelly mentioned using Epsom salts in a bath and Biofreeze. I need to get some of that Biofreeze, but I did take a Epsom salt bath right when I got back and boy what a difference!! I remembered to buy more E3live and Natalie also told me about this new supplement called Body Balance. She was saying it is similar to E3live but different at the same time. I went on the website she emailed to me and immediately ordered it tonight. I am excited to try it out and I will let you know how it goes.

So after the two classes today I am now 2 classes ahead and so happy about my progress. It has been such a great journey so far. Now only if I could stop eating like a crazed woman that would be great!

Namaste Peeps!



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