Day 54 of Challenge (60/60), Class # 56 ~ Torched!

After the struggling class I had last night I was hoping tonight would be better. Pavida wrote a sweet note on my FaceBook telling me the only bad class you have is the one you don’t go to. I do have to agree with that. It is true, I never regret going to class. I think that is why I keep going back. That and the Challenge and this blog of course!

Today was my first day off for the Thanksgiving break, so I was relaxed and able to eat well and hydrate well before class. It’s a good thing I did. When I got to the studio it was jam packed at 4:45pm. I couldn’t believe all the people there. Marc taught the 5pm tonight and I didn’t realize he was a teacher as well. I am always excited to take a class with a new instructor. It makes for a spontaneous class because every teacher has their own style which makes the class different even though the dialogue is exactly the same. Marc was funny he made some cute jokes in class but I was in too much agony to smile or laugh. Just trying to stay in posture and keep my sh*t together was all I could do. It was refreshing to have a male teacher tonight and hear a different tone in the dialogue. He looked different teaching because the two times I have seen him in class he was wearing red velvet booty shorts… which I love by the way and I was dissapointed he wasn’t wearing those tonight to teach in. They would have added a little bit more flare.

I saw Sam when I was coming into class and Morgan and Kim (fresh back from teacher training!). It was great energy in the room. There were also a ton of people I didn’ t recognize tonight which happens during the holiday season. There was a super tall skinny girl next to me in class tonight with an amazing practice. She had the cutest flowered booty shorts on too. I felt myself trying harder because her practice was so strong. Plus having Kim right behind me also motivated to work hard tonight.

It was so hot in class tonight I thought I was melting. It didn’t start out that way. I mean it was hot but not CRAZY hot. Then it got hotter, and hotter, and hotter as the class went on. I kept thinking… boy it’s hot… then the thought would come back again boy it’s hot… basically through the whole class. Oddly enough it was good class even though it was hot. The guy next to me was bright red by the end of class so I am sure he felt the same way. He also sounded like Darth Vader during the Savasana with the breathing.  There was one guy in the very back that basically sat out most of the class. I am surprised he actually stayed in the room.

It was funny there were many mentions of burning all the calories and detoxing before retoxing at Thanksgiving Dinner. I am sure tomorrow it will be packed class as well since there is only one at each location. I am guessing it will be a doozy as well. I didn’t feel like I was dying today so I am pretty stoked about class even though I found my mind chatter annoying. Sometimes that mind just get’s a life of it’s own and takes over… it’s hard to get control of it all the time.

On the way out Garland mentioned there would be advanced class this Saturday. I am so bummed out because I will be going to the Great Wolf Lodge with the family for a little vacation action. I am excited to have time away but part of me wishes I could do the advanced class too. Okay I am officially addicted to Bikram Yoga…. I am sad that I can’t go to class and have to go on a vacation.

I have to get some rest to make it to the 10am tomorrow. My plan is the hydrate with electrolytes and ROCK the Turkey Day class out…I know Garland is teaching so it’s gonna be a tough one.. but I am sure a GREAT one!

Namaste Peeps!

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