Day 43 of Challenge (60/60), Classes #45 & 46 – Attempting Advanced Class

After last night’s weird class I was definitely looking forward to a strong class at 11am at Stony Pt and then attempting to take the Advanced Class that Garland leads.  Advanced class is something that is separate and not on the schedule. It’s more informal and kind of like an “after school club”. You can sign up and join but you need to follow the rules: rules being you should practice at least 5x a week and take the beginners class before the advanced. With my 60 Day Challenge I am definitely within those rules so I figured let’s try it out again. After last week with the Champions I am now hooked on trying to eventually get into some of the crazy bendy postures.

I took an Epsom Salt bath last night after class because my body is definitely hurting from all the yogaing with the 60/60. I was hoping not to be as sore as I was in the 11am class. I was pushing but my body wasn’t cooperating today. I had some equilibrium issues which caused me to keep falling out of the balancing postures. Jackie taught the 11am and she was so funny today. She was doing some sports talk and the new guy in class made some comment about not sweating in class… I just busted out laughing. (My yoga brain is preventing me from telling the story exactly how it went.) I was happy Katherine came to class and was staying for the advanced as well.

After class I chugged my coconut water and ate my grapes and crackers in hopes I wouldn’t cramp up like last week. Advanced is like the beginners class on speed. It is more informal because you can talk and there are only a handful of people in the class. You go through all the beginners postures but then there are a ton of other series as well. I can’t even remember them all at this point. Kelly, Garland, and Natalie were so great in helping me to get set up in some of the postures. Turns out I have a funky back that has issues with forward bending- ah ha! That is why I can’t do rabbit posture that well. This is something I will have to work on. My anatomy is making it hard for me but I will prevail!

There was one guy in class today with dark red velour booty shorts on. Mark was so super stretchy bendy and could do all these  crazy things. He kept asking Garland about when we were going to do handstands.  It was so cool to see the steps into some of these crazy postures. I was also relieved to hear from Garland that it takes a little while to learn and get into most of the postures. April also told me it will happen and to keep trying. I am so thankful that everyone is so supportive and encouraging. The environment is so positive that it really carries you.

I attempted another headstand against the wall today and Garland helped me out. It’s something I will also have to continue to work on. I have this weird fear of the head stand, hand stand, and back bending postures. I am not sure where that fear comes from but its’s there and I have to work through it.

Class ended right around 3:15 ish  and I had been at the studio since 10:45am. It’s just crazy but  the time just flew by and I felt so good… sore but good. I am definitely going back and going to keep trying to get into these postures.

I am now 3 classes ahead in the challenge so I am right on target. It feels good to be ahead instead of behind trying to catch up. I am going to crash out early tonight… my body definitely needs it.

Namaste Peeps!

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