Day 26 of Challenge (60/60), Class #27 – Bring your Boss to Bikram Yoga Day!
“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” ~Jack Kornfield
This quote was on Bikram Yoga of Richmond’s Facebook page last night and it came up right after I had gotten through a tough class with Jessica. It was perfect timing and a good reminder to be good to yourself and kind and compassionate. Jessica also made that comment on my Facebook as well. Sometimes it’s hardest to have compassion for ourselves.
Today I had an early morning and a full day working with my boss who is in town today and tomorrow. As soon as I picked him up at his hotel this morning he mentioned Bikram Yoga. I said I was going today at 5pm and he said he wanted to go. A little bit in shock I was excited for him to try it out, but at the same time I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility for him to get through the class ok. I made it clear to him that it was tough and 90 minutes long and the heat and humidity is intense. He said he wanted to go but then I think started to regret his decision as soon as he said it.
I think his mind was playing with him and he was starting to psych himself out. He pretty much told everyone today that we came into contact with that he was going to Bikram Yoga tonight. That made me kind of laugh. We even ran into one customer that had taken class herself. She was very encouraging and told him he would be fine… She said, “wear dri-fit, not cotton… no cotton.” He even mentioned to me during the day at some point that he heard from another one of our team mates that a nephrologists had to admit a couple patients because of severe dehydration due to Bikram Yoga. I had to challenge him on that and say that it’s a person’s responsibility as an adult to hydrate and take care of themselves.
I told my boss at lunch this is for you and not for me. If you want to go you should go for yourself, not to make me happy. I think I gave him plenty of opportunities to get out of class but he didn’t waiver. On our way to the studio, he even called a fellow coworker about the class. This person has taken a class and told him make sure you don’t eat Mexican food right before class. That is very good advice! I think he was worried about farting in class and I said that is not going to happen. Even if it does, it doesn’t matter because everyone is so deep into the postures and their agony they won’t even notice.
We got to the studio with plenty of time and I was happy to see Jessica teaching because she was my first teacher too. I told him you are in good hands with her. At this point we kind of split up so I could change and he could fill out the paperwork and get a mat. Funny thing is he brought his earphones because he thought he could listen to music during class. I said nope… no earphones. He also brought I think 4 towels with him but Jessica told him to just bring one into the room with his water.
I made sure to put his mat away from mine so there would be no eye contact or threatening looks coming my way during class. I am not gonna let that steal my peace that is for sure. Anyway I was struggling myself today again. It started out great and then I started to get an upset stomach which makes for a miserable spine strengthening series on your belly. I was so happy when class was done but I feel pretty good compared to last night’s class. One thing I noticed is that I seemed to have pulled my chest muscles in doing rabbit pose so tonight it was a killer trying to get into the position. I definitely was not as stiff as yesterday but I am looking forward to a double this weekend to get more flexibility back.
In my rear views tonight were Morgan to my left and Emily to my right. They definitely got me through class tonight. I was a little distracted and caught my boss out of the corner of my eye. He had a strong first class but he did have to sit down during the second part of it. I was relieved he didn’t flee the room and pass out or throw up. Thank you yoga gods!
After class on our way out he said, he didn’t know what he was thinking and had never felt that feeling before. I told him he had yoga brain. I also told him, “Drink a ton of water and also you will probably sleep like a baby tonight.” I hope all those things happen. I have to pick him up tomorrow at 8am so I will find out soon. I am glad he came and we had that experience together. I think he felt it was a good experience, but he admitted wanting to leave several times and I said you know what sometimes I want to leave too. The thing is neither of us left… that is what the yoga does for you, it makes you in control instead of your mind.
Namaste Peeps!
EMILY - October 27, 2011 7:42 am
I am SORE… ! Meg and I are doing the 5pm today– I got REALLY distracted in the first breathing excercise yesterday… after that, I felt better.. glad your boss liked it – he looked like he was def hanging in there!
admin - October 27, 2011 9:58 am
I am glad he got through class… See you later:)
I plan to hit the 5 pm too! He seemed ok today